Familie Nehls
aus Kirch Kogel

Kirch Kogel

Kirch Kogel
Kogel liegt in der Mecklenburgischen Seenplatte inmitten eines waldigen
Gebietes, unmittelbar am Nordrand des Naturparks Nossentiner/Schwinzer
Heide. Vom westlichen Ortsrand führt ein Landweg über Kleesten zum Kloster
Dobbertin. Das dünn besiedelte Großschutzgebiet liegt zwischen den
Kleinstädten Goldberg, Krakow am See, Malchow und der Müritz. Die größeren
Seen, ausgedehnte Sanderflächen, Moore, Heide und die Quellgebiete der
Nebel und Mildenitz sind Merkmale dieser Landschaft.
Die Ortschaft
Kirch Kogel wurde 1303 erstmals urkundlich erwähnt. Grundherr war zu
dieser Zeit der Ritter Bernhard von Bellin. Das Gut Kirch Kogel gehörte
als Nebengut zu Suckwitz. Bis um 1600 gehörte das Gut zu den Klostergütern
des Klosters Dobbertin. Ab 1767 ist Herr von Grabow auf Suckwitz
Erbpächter des Gutes. Auf Grund wirtschaftlicher Schwierigkeiten
verpfändete er das Gut und 1777 verkauften die Gläubiger den Hof Kogel an
Hans Ernst von Hardenberg, von ihm ging das Lehngut 1796 an Otto von Hahn.
Im Zentrum des Dorfes steht die aus dem 13. Jahrhundert stammende Kirche.
Der Feldsteinchor ist der älteste Teil, das Langhaus und der Turm
entstanden später. Das Taufbecken aus Granit ist noch aus der früheren
Erbauungszeit, der Altar stammt aus dem 15. Jahrhundert, die Kanzel
entstand um 1671.

Kirch Kogel

Carl Hinrich Friedrich NEHLS
aus Kirch Kogel
NEHLS Carl Hinrich Friedrich
* 14.02.1768 Kirch Kogel
Descendants of Carl Hinrich Friedrich Nehls (Internet, 30.12.2012).
oo <.1792
Maria Elizabeth
* 06.03.1761 Sehldorf
Quelle: Descendants of Carl Hinrich Friedrich Nehls (Internet,
1. Nehls Gottfried Jacob
Christian 53Jhr 3Wo * 28.04.1792 Klein Upahl † 24.05.1845 Lohmen
> 1.1

Generation 1
NEHLS Gottfried Jacob Christian
53Jhr 3Wo Schuhmacher (Shoemaker)
< 0.1
* 28.04.1792 Klein Upahl † 24.05.1845 Lohmen
Eltern: Nehls Carl Hinrich Friedrich , Soltwedel Maria Elizabeth
Gottfried died of too much brandy. - Quelle: Descendants of Carl Hinrich
Friedrich Nehls (Internet, 30.12.2012).
oo 26.11.1825 Lohmen
Quelle: Descendants of Carl Hinrich Friedrich Nehls (Internet,
1. Nehls Sophia Maria Hanna
* 21.04.1826 Klein Upahl
> 2.1
2. Nehls Hanna Sophia Maria 8Mo 2Ta * 17.01.1828 Klein Upahl †
19.09.1828 Klein Upah
3. Nehls Friedrich Johann Christian 50Jhr 1Wo * 22.08.1829 Klein
Upahl † 04.09.1879 Lomira
> 2.2
4. Nehls Dorothea Maria Friederica * 29.12.1831 Klein Upahl
5. Nehls Friederica Maria Hanna * 20.12.1833 Klein Upahl
6. Nehls Johann Carl Friedrich 82Jhr 9Mo 2Wo * 22.01.1837 Klein
Upahl † 06.11.1919 Mayville
> 2.3

Generation 2
NEHLS Sophia Maria Hanna
< 1.1
* 21.04.1826 Klein Upahl
Eltern: Nehls Gottfried Jacob Christian , Wunrau Sophia Maria
Descendants of Carl Hinrich Friedrich Nehls (Internet, 30.12.2012).
oo <.1848
Johann Friedrich Ludwig
Quelle: Descendants of Carl Hinrich Friedrich Nehls (Internet,
1. Eckelberg Heinrich
(Henry) 85Jhr * 09.11.1848 † 10.11.1933 Juneau
> 3.1
NEHLS Friedrich Johann Christian
50Jhr 1Wo
< 1.1
* 22.08.1829 Klein Upahl † 04.09.1879 Lomira
Eltern: Nehls Gottfried Jacob Christian , Wunrau Sophia Maria
Friedrich immigrated to the America when he was 30 years. He died from
cholera. - Quelle: Descendants of Carl Hinrich Friedrich Nehls
(Internet, 30.12.2012).
oo 04.06.1865
Christine Marie
* 07.04.1844 Selow † 1920 Ferney
Quelle: Descendants of Carl Hinrich Friedrich Nehls (Internet,
1. Nehls Herman Frank
Johann 79Jhr 9Mo 4Wo * 19.03.1866 Lomira † 16.01.1946 Groton
> 3.2
2. Nehls Wilhelm Heinrich 10Jhr 6Mo * 27.03.1869 † 01.10.1879
in Wisconsin.- Quelle: Descendants of Carl Hinrich Friedrich Nehls
(Internet, 30.12.2012).
3. Nehls Bertha Marie
Henrietta 89Jhr 9Mo 1Wo * 06.03.1871 Lomira † 19.12.1960 Swift
> 3.3
4. Nehls Anna Sophie Dorothea (Dora) 74Jhr 4Mo 3Wo * 12.07.1876
Lomira † 07.12.1950 Eau Claire
> 3.4
NEHLS Johann Carl Friedrich
82Jhr 9Mo 2Wo
< 1.1
* 22.01.1837 Klein Upahl † 06.11.1919 Mayville Lebensorte: Klein Upahl Mayville Iron
Ridge Juneau
Eltern: Nehls Gottfried Jacob Christian , Wunrau Sophia Maria
for Johann (John C.) Carl Friedrich Nehls: The information I have on
Johann came from parish records gathered in 1999. Betty Roeseler has his
name as John C. Nehls with a b. date of Jan. 12, 1837 not Jan. 22, 1837.
This information came from a family bible." - "John C. Nehls was a
shepherd boy who learned to knit at an early age. He knit many lovely
and useful things all his long life. John Nehls left Germany (Hamburg,I
think) to escape military service. He came to the U.S. settling in
Wisconsin, near Iron Ridge, or maybe Watertown. After so a long of a
time he sent for his sweetheart, Johanna. He met her in New York where
they were married. It must of been cold weather, for as I remember him
telling, he left he overcoat and/or his watch (I don't remember which)
to pay for his hotel bill. When they arrived in Wisconsin, at night,
there was a hard snowfall all night. John asked Johanna to tell him from
which direction they came - "she cried". The war came - John could not
serve because he had flat feet. Babies came. Johanna cut up beautiful
garments from her trousseau to make baby clothes. Anna, Clara & Rudolph
were born in Iron Ridge or Watertown - they did live in Iron Ridge for a
time. Johanna had two sisters - I know nothing about. John grew to
manhood in his native land. In 1859 John C. Nehls emigrated to America
when he was 22 years old. John C. Nehls lived in Mayville, Wisconsin
where he followed the trade of carpenter for many years. He had two sons
and two daughters, (one son died at infancy). John became proprietor of
the old American House at Iron Ridge in the early eighteen seventies and
conducted this pioneer hostelry until 1882, when he came to Juneau and
purchased the Wisconsin House now known as the Commercial Hotel. In
1889, after retiring from the hotel business, he was appointed
postmaster at Juneau and served creditably in this official capacity
during the administration of President Benjamin Harrison. Prior to this
time John erected the building on Oak street, now occupied by F. B.
Wendt's Drug Store and the Wisconsin Telephone exchange." - Written by
Winnie Gottsleben Garrett. - "In politics John was a staunch Republican,
active and prominent in the councils of his party and in everyday life
he was well known as an obliging neighbor and splendid citizen, prompt
in the fulfillment of every obligation. He held many positions of local
trust, among them alderman and supervisor of the Second ward and
treasurer of the Juneau City Cemetery Association. Covering the period
of thirty seven years, no man in public or private life of Juneau was
better known or more generally esteemed.He passed away at the hour of
3:40 o'clock Thursday afternoon at the home of his daughter & son-in-law
Charles F. Achtenhagen in Mayville, Wi. as the results he suffered of a
stoke." - Quelle: Descendants of Carl Hinrich Friedrich Nehls
oo 1862 New York
Johanna Wilhelmina
58Jhr 6Mo 1Wo
* 06.10.1840 Hamburg † 13.04.1899 Juneau Lebensorte: Hamburg Juneau
"Johanna came from well-to-do parents. She had a good
education-attended collage of fine arts, majoring in sewing. She made
beautifully intricate embroidery and other hand work. In 1860 Johanna,
in the company of her parents and other family members, emigrated to
the U.S., coming direct to Wisconsin and settling in the town of
Lomira. John and Johanna continued to live in Lomira until 1864 when
they moved to Iron Ridge, where they ran a hotel. In 1884 they moved
to Juneau and for a number of years John ran the Wisconsin House (now
the Commercial House)." - Quelle: Descendants of Carl Hinrich
Friedrich Nehls (Internet).
1. Nehls Rudolph C.
45Jhr 6Mo * 09.03.1863 Lomira † 09.09.1908 Arlington Heights
> 3.5
2. Nehls Clara Cecelia 57Jhr 10Mo 2Wo * 05.10.1864 Iron Ridge †
20.08.1922 Port Arthur
> 3.6
3. Nehls Anna S. * 22.07.1866 Iron Ridge † .04.1960 Tipton
> 3.7
4. Nehls Herman Heinrich 2Jhr 4Mo 3Wo * 30.06.1868 Lomira †
24.11.1870 Lomira
Quelle: Descendants of Carl Hinrich Friedrich Nehls (Internet,
oo 2 04.10.1899
Caroline W.
67Jhr 3Mo 2Wo
* 04.01.1850 Brandenburg † 19.04.1917
Quelle: Descendants of Carl Hinrich Friedrich Nehls (Internet,

Generation 3
ECKELBERG Heinrich (Henry)
< 2.1
* 09.11.1848 † 10.11.1933 Juneau
Eltern: Eckelberg Johann Friedrich Ludwig , Nehls Sophia Maria Hanna
Born in
Germany. - Quelle: Descendants of Carl Hinrich Friedrich Nehls
(Internet, 30.12.2012).
oo 02.11.1872 Lomira
Marie Mathilda
69Jhr 4Wo
* 23.04.1854 † 21.05.1923 Juneau
was born in Sumatra, Province Brandenburg, Prussia. - Quelle:
Descendants of Carl Hinrich Friedrich Nehls (Internet, 30.12.2012).
1. Eckelberg Anna
24Jhr 6Mo 1Wo * 04.08.1873 Reeseville † 14.02.1898 †Urs: Black diptheria
2. Eckelberg Bertha 17Jhr 1Mo 3Wo * 09.01.1875 Reeseville †
05.03.1892 †Urs: Black diphteria
3. Eckelberg Frederick August Paul * 28.08.1876 Reeseville †
4. Eckelberg Louise Johanna Marie 79Jhr 7Mo 2Wo * 10.12.1886
Reeseville † 26.07.1966
in Wisconsin. - Quelle: Descendants of Carl Hinrich Friedrich Nehls
(Internet, 30.12.2012).
NEHLS Herman Frank Johann
79Jhr 9Mo 4Wo
< 2.2
* 19.03.1866 Lomira † 16.01.1946 Groton
Eltern: Nehls Friedrich Johann Christian , Kroeppelin Christine Marie
Descendants of Carl Hinrich Friedrich Nehls (Internet, 30.12.2012).
oo 15.03.1893 Ferney
* 09.06.1876 † 11.06.1920 Ferney
in Minnesota. - Quelle: Descendants of Carl Hinrich Friedrich Nehls
(Internet, 30.12.2012).
1. Nehls Irene Bertha
93Jhr 7Mo 1Wo * 23.03.1894 Ferney † 04.11.1987 Groton
2. Nehls Fred Henry 74Jhr 6Mo 4Wo * 17.08.1895 Ferney †
14.03.1970 Groton
3. Nehls John (Jack) H. 88Jhr 9Mo 1Wo * 02.04.1897 Ferney †
11.01.1986 Aberdeen
4. Nehls Marie Augusta Sophia 102Jhr 1Mo 2Wo * 30.01.1899 Ferney
† 17.03.2001 Groton
5. Nehls Mary 5Jhr 5Mo 3Wo * 19.08.1901 Ferney † 15.02.1907
6. Nehls Charles Otto Heinrich 48Jhr 8Mo 3Wo * 10.07.1903 Groton
† 01.04.1952 Yakima
7. Nehls Frank Arnold 47Jhr 7Mo 3Wo * 24.02.1906 Ferney †
19.10.1953 Ferney
8. Nehls Clara Marie 90Jhr 1Mo 1Wo * 18.05.1907 Ferney †
28.06.1997 Ferney
9. Nehls Herman Frank Henry 69Jhr 1Wo * 20.10.1910 Ferney †
29.10.1979 Prosser
10. Nehls Henry (Hank) E. 58Jhr 9Mo 2Wo * 05.05.1912 Ferney †
25.02.1971 Groton
11. Nehls Roy Arthur 34Jhr 9Mo 3Wo * 22.05.1916 Ferney †
18.03.1951 Ferney
Kinder Quelle: Descendants of Carl Hinrich Friedrich Nehls (Internet,
oo 2 14.08.1928 Ferney
LEWIS Myrtle
84Jhr 8Mo
* 07.06.1885 † 23.02.1970 Aberdeen
in Iowa. - Quelle: Descendants of Carl Hinrich Friedrich Nehls
(Internet, 30.12.2012).
NEHLS Bertha Marie Henrietta
89Jhr 9Mo 1Wo
< 2.2
* 06.03.1871 Lomira † 19.12.1960 Swift Current
Eltern: Nehls Friedrich Johann Christian , Kroeppelin Christine Marie
Died in
Canada. - Quelle: Descendants of Carl Hinrich Friedrich Nehls (Internet,
oo 14.03.1888 Hanson
Frederick Albert
* 16.01.1864 Wayne † 10.1935
Quelle: Descendants of Carl Hinrich Friedrich Nehls (Internet,
1. Radke Olga Annie
Katherine 81Jhr 10Mo 2Wo * 23.01.1889 † 10.12.1970 Melville
2. Radke Arnold Henry 38Jhr 5Mo 1Wo * 21.05.1890 † 01.11.1928
Kinder Quelle: Descendants of Carl Hinrich Friedrich Nehls (Internet,
NEHLS Anna Sophie Dorothea (Dora)
74Jhr 4Mo 3Wo
< 2.2
* 12.07.1876 Lomira † 07.12.1950 Eau Claire
Eltern: Nehls Friedrich Johann Christian , Kroeppelin Christine Marie
Descendants of Carl Hinrich Friedrich Nehls (Internet, 30.12.2012).
oo 29.09.1895
Ray 80Jhr
* 24.03.1871 Alma † 30.10.1951 Eau Claire
Quelle: Descendants of Carl Hinrich Friedrich Nehls (Internet,
1. Gabert Pearl
2. Gabert Leslie
3. Gabert Lenard
4. Gabert Homer
5. Gabert Frederick Jr. 80Jhr 5Mo * 04.11.1907 † 06.04.1988
Geboren und gestorben in Wisconsin. - Quelle: Descendants of Carl
Hinrich Friedrich Nehls (Internet, 30.12.2012).
NEHLS Rudolph C.
45Jhr 6Mo Druggist
< 2.3
* 09.03.1863 Lomira † 09.09.1908 Arlington Heights
Eltern: Nehls Johann Carl Friedrich , Sibonus Johanna Wilhelmina
Nehls was a druggist in Arlington Heights, near Chicago, Ill. - Quelle:
Descendants of Carl Hinrich Friedrich Nehls (Internet, 30.12.2012).
oo 30.01.1884
Sophia 72Jhr
6Mo 2Wo
* 16.05.1863 † 30.11.1935 Arlington Heights
Quelle: Descendants of Carl Hinrich Friedrich Nehls (Internet,
1. Nehls Estella Anna
Sophia 7Mo 1Wo 5Ta * 24.11.1884 Chicago † 06.07.1885 Chicago
2. Nehls Ella (Eleanor) Frances 89Jhr 11Mo 1Wo * 09.03.1886
Mayville † 22.02.1976 Grand Rapids
3. Nehls John T. (Zackery) 82Jhr 4Mo 3Wo * 06.09.1890 Chicago †
28.01.1973 Kenosha
> 4.1
4. Nehls Ralph Chester 86Jhr 4Mo 3Wo * 17.09.1898 Arlington
Heights † 13.02.1985 Baldwin
> 4.2
NEHLS Clara Cecelia
57Jhr 10Mo 2Wo
< 2.3
* 05.10.1864 Iron Ridge † 20.08.1922 Port Arthur Lebensorte: Iron Ridge Port
Arthur Winneconne
Eltern: Nehls Johann Carl Friedrich , Sibonus Johanna Wilhelmina
services for Mrs. Clara Gottsleben were held last Thursday afternoon at
2 o'clock from the Presbyterian church. Rev. O. E. DeWitt officiated.
The deceased was a former resident here, moving to Texas a few years ago
[abt. 1913], where she passed away Sunday morning, Aug. 20. The remains
were accompanied here by her daughter, Winnifred, and her husband.
Interment was in the family lot of the village cemetery, where her
husband and daughter are buried. - Quellen: "Daily Northwestern, Aug.
28, 1922 (Obituary, Internet)", "1900 federal census for Winnebago
County, Wisconsin", "Descendants of Carl Hinrich Friedrich Nehls", "FamilySearch
(März 2014; hier: United States Census, 1910; Wisconsin, State Census,
1905 <hier Name: Gottebeben [Gottsleben]; Wohnort: Winneconne village,
Winnebago, Wisconsin>; United States Census, 1920 <Clara C Gottebben [Gottsleben];
Wohnort: Port Arthur Ward 3, Jefferson, Texas; Haushalt: Clara C
Gottebben [Gottsleben], 55 Jahre, geb. in Wisconsin; Schwiegersohn:
William M Gattahben [Garrett], 26 Jahre, geb. in Alabama; Tochter:
Winnie W Gattahben [Winnie B. Gottsleben], 20 Jahre, geb. in Wisconsin>;
Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976)", "Findagrave.com (März 2014; hier: Winneconne
Village Cemetery, Winneconne, Winnebago County, Wisconsin)" und "Descendants
of Johann Carl Friedrich Nehls (Internet, 30.12.2012)".
oo 10.10.1881 Iron Ridge
Fremont Emil
50Jhr 3Mo 2Wo Railroad
employee, Telegraph operator
* 27.10.1856 West Bend † 15.02.1907 Winneconne Lebensorte: West Bend Winneconne
Eltern: Gottsleben Anton Hermann , Rohn Paulina
"Fremont E. Gottsleben has the honor of being a native of Wisconsin,
his birth having occurred in West Bend, Washington county, on the 27th
of October, 1856. His parents are Herman and Paulina (Von Rohn)
Gottsleben, both natives of Germany, the former born at Hildesheim,
Germany, the latter at Leipsic [Leipzig]. - They were both single when
they came to the United States, their marriage being celebrated in the
town of Polk, Wis. While in his native land the father occupied the
position of manager in a distillery. His father (the grandfather of
our subject) held office under the government, and his brothers were
members of the legal profession. They were a family of prominence and
honor, and were widely known in official circles. An uncle of our
subject, Antone [Wilhelm Anton] Gottsleben, for his addresses and
labors in behalf of the cause of United Germany that established King
William on the throne, was honored by the erection of a public
monument to his memory in the city of Hildesheim. After coming to the
United States Herman Gottsleben turned his attention to agricultural
pursuits, and was numbered among the farmers of Washington county.
Wis., his home adjoining the city limits of West Bend. There he
devoted his time to the cultivation and improvement of his land until
in a runaway he suffered the loss of a leg, and in consequence is now
living retired in Kewaskum. - The subject proper of this sketch
acquired his education in the public schools of West Bend, and in the
railroad depot of that place learned telegraphy. At the age of
twenty-two years he became identified with railroad work in Milwaukee,
at which time he secured a position as telegraph operator in the
office of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad. On May 14, 1880,
he became agent at Iron Ridge Junction, and July 7, 1892, was
appointed general agent at Winneconne, where he has since made his
home. His sixteen-years' continuance in this line of work shows his
adaptability to it, and his excellence is recognized by his employers.
- On the 10th of October, 1881, at Iron Ridge, Wis., was celebrated
the marriage of Mr. Gottsleben and Miss Clara C. Nehls, daughter of
John C. Nehls, a hotel keeper at that place. He afterward removed to
Juneau, Wis., where he engaged in hotel keeping four years, and was
then appointed postmaster, which position he filled four years. At
this writing he is living retired. To Mr. and Mrs. Gottsleben have
come three children - Claudia Ida, born July 1, 1884; Helga Johanna
T., born May 20, 1886; and Meta Francisca, born November 25, 1888. Mr.
Gottsleben is a member of the Masonic Fraternity and the Knights of
Pythias Lodge, in which latter organization he has served as
vice-chancellor. In his political views he is a Republican, but has
never had time or inclination to seek public office. On both the
paternal and maternal sides he comes from wellknown families. The Von
Rohns of Leipsic [Leipzig] were prominent, wealthy and influential
people, and remain so to the present day. Mr. Gottsleben has two
brothers living in Wisconsin - Robert A., a veterinary surgeon in
Milwaukee; and Franklin C., railroad station agent at Kewaskum,
Wisconsin". - Quelle: Fremont E. Gottsleben. In: Commemorative
biographical record of the Fox River Valley counties of Brown,
Outagamie and Winnebago: Containing biographical sketches of prominent
and representative citizens, and of many of the early settled families.
Chicago: J. H. Beers, 1895, Vol. 2, S. 1054 f. - "Obituary 1907. -
Fremont E. Gottsleben was born October 27, 1857 [1856], at West Bend,
Wis. He was married to Miss Clara C. Nehls at Iron Ridge, Dodge county,
Wis. October 10, 1881. As a result of this union there were born unto
them four daughters, Meta (deceased), Claudia of Isle of Pines, Helga
and Winnie of this village. He had been on the C. M. & St. P. railroad
as relief agent at Horicon, where he was taken ill and in consequence
returned home last Saturday. He sank rapidly under a complication of
diseases, until Friday Feb. 15, 1907, when just before the dawn of the
day, in the Eastern skies of the natural world, his earthly sun set in
the western horizon of life, never again to shine forth in this world.
His spirit had gone to the higher Courts where the Supreme Architect
of the Universe presides. The greater part of his life was occupied as
a railroad employee. He was for a number of years station agent for
the C. M. & St. P. railroad at Winneconne, when three years ago he
retired. Mr. Gottsleben was a kind and affectionate husband, a devoted
father, and a good citizen. He will be misses for his place will be
vacant. There remain to mourn his loss a wife, three daughters, one
brother, four sisters and many sympathizing friends. His remains were
laid at rest in the village cemetery, Sunday Feb. 17, 1907 after
appropriate services at the residence by the writer [Rev. Howard
Miller], and services at the grave by the Masonic order, of which the
deceased was a member. He was also a member of the K. of P. lodge,
which was present at the obsequies. Mr. Gottsleben was also affiliated
with the Equitable Fraternal Union an the Modern Woodmen. He also was
a member of the Order of railroad telegraphers. Rev. Howard Miller
(Abschrift eines Zeitungsausschnitts von 1907)". - Quellen: "FamilySearch
(Februar 2019; hier: Wisconsin, County Marriages, 1836-1911 <Fremond E
Gottsleben, Eltern: Herman Gottsleben und Pauline Rohn, Heirat am 10.
Oktober 1881 in Dodge, Wisconsin, mit Clara C Nehls, Eltern: Johan
Nehls und Johanne Sabionus>; Wisconsin, Death Records, 1867-1907
<Fremont E. Gottsleben; geb. 15. Oktober 1857 in West Bend, Wis.;
bestattet 18. Februar 1907 in Winneconne, Wis.>)", "1900 federal
census for Winnebago County, Wisconsin: Birth Oct. 1856", "Descendants
of Carl Hinrich Friedrich Nehls", "Mundia.com (September 2013)", "Findagrave.com
(März 2014; hier: Winneconne Village Cemetery, Winneconne, Winnebago
County, Wisconsin)" und "Descendants of Johann Carl Friedrich Nehls
(Internet, 30.12.2012)".
1. Gottsleben Claudia Ida
84Jhr 10Mo * 01.07.1884 Iron Ridge † 03.05.1969 Multnomah County
> 4.3
2. Gottsleben Helga (Helen) Johanna T. 87Jhr * 20.05.1886 †
.11.1973 Cook County
> 4.4
3. Gottsleben Meta Francesca 17Jhr 3Mo 2Wo * 25.11.1888
Iron Ridge † 11.03.1906 Winneconne †Urs: Diabetes
Meta Francesca Gottsleben, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Gottsleben,
dies at 7 A. M. Sunday, March 11, 1906, aged 17 years, 3 month and 16
days, her death resulting from diabetis mellitus, with which she has
been invalid for about six months. She was born at Iron Ridge, Wis.,
Nov 25, 1888 and came with her parents to Winneconne about fourteen
years ago. When her health falled she was a student of the High school
and a member of the junior class and was painstaking and proficient in
her studies. She possessed an unusually quiet sweet and attractive
disposition and had an unbounded affection for her parents and sisters
and was loved by her acquaintances for her pleasant and ladylike
demeanor. The funeral was held from the residence at 2 A. M. Tuesday,
and was largely attended, the services being conducted by Rev. O. Th.
A. Hoyer, pastor of the German Lutheran church, and the remains were
laid at rest in the village cemetery. The students of the High school
attended in a body and added a beautiful floral emblem of their sorrow
to the very many tributes of flowers which covered the casket. Among
the relatives from elsewhere who were called here by the sad occurence
were Mr. Joh. Nehls of Juneau, father of Mrs. Gottsleben, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank C. Gottsleben and family of Kewaskum, Mrs. F. Lauer and Miss
Marie Klumo of West Bend, Mrs. C. Achtenhagen of Mayville, and Mrs. J.
E. Standish of Milwaukee. Besides her parents the deceased is survived
by three sisters, Claudia, Helga and Winnie, who all have the profound
sympathy by the community. Mr. and Mrs. Gottsleben desire to thank
their many friends for their kindness and sacrifices during their sad
bereavement, and to assure them that they will need only the
opportunity to prove their appreciation. - Quellen: "Winneconne local,
Mar. 16, 1906 (Internet, Obituary)", "1900 federal census for
Winnebago County, Wisconsin (Internet)", "Descendants of Carl Hinrich
Friedrich Nehls (Internet, 30.12.2012)", "Findagrave.com (März 2014;
hier: Winneconne Village Cemetery, Winneconne, Winnebago County,
Wisconsin)" und "Descendants of Johann Carl Friedrich Nehls (Internet,
4. Gottsleben Winnie Wright
89Jhr * 06.11.1899 Winneconne † 12.11.1988 Port Arthur
> 4.5
US census 1900

Fremont Emil Gottsleben |
Obituary of Fremont E.
Gottsleben (1907) |

Obituary of Meta
Gottsleben (1906) |

Obituary of Clara Cecilia
Gottsleben (1922) |
Winneconne Village Cemetery
Winnebago County, Wisconsin
Plot: Section 5, Plot 42


Fremont E.
(1856-1907) |

Meta Francesca
(1888-1906) |

Clara Cecilia
(1864-1922) |
< 2.3
* 22.07.1866 Iron Ridge † 04.1960 Tipton
Eltern: Nehls Johann Carl Friedrich , Sibonus Johanna Wilhelmina
Descendants of Carl Hinrich Friedrich Nehls (Internet, 30.12.2012).
oo 17.04.1884
Charles Frederich
71Jhr 7Mo
* 14.06.1852 † 16.01.1924 Mayville
Charles F. was Born in Germany. - Quelle: Descendants of Carl Hinrich
Friedrich Nehls (Internet, 30.12.2012).
1. Achtenhagen Rudolph
* . .1883 † 08.12.1892 Mayville
2. Achtenhagen Hildegard 84Jhr 3Mo * 03.04.1888 † 03.07.1972
> 4.6
3. Achtenhagen Carl Henry 74Jhr 7Mo * 07.04.1890 Mayville †
11.11.1964 Fremont
> 4.7
4. Achtenhagen Claudia 88Jhr 4Mo * 31.07.1891 † 05.12.1979 Tipon
> 4.8
5. Achtenhagen Arnold 66Jhr 7Mo 2Wo * 22.07.1893 † 06.03.1960
> 4.9
6. Achtenhagen Olga 77Jhr 8Mo 2Wo * 06.12.1898 Mayville †
died in New Jersey.- Quelle: Descendants of Carl Hinrich Friedrich
Nehls (Internet, 30.12.2012).
oo 2
George H.
† 02.11.1930 New Holstein
Quelle: Descendants of Carl Hinrich Friedrich Nehls (Internet,

Generation 4
NEHLS John T. (Zackery)
82Jhr 4Mo 3Wo
< 3.5
* 06.09.1890 Chicago † 28.01.1973 Kenosha
Eltern: Nehls Rudolph C. , Schimek Agnes Sophia
Descendants of Carl Hinrich Friedrich Nehls (Internet, 30.12.2012).
DURST Magdalin
Quelle: Descendants of Carl Hinrich Friedrich Nehls (Internet,
NEHLS Ralph Chester
86Jhr 4Mo 3Wo
< 3.5
* 17.09.1898 Arlington Heights † 13.02.1985 Baldwin
Eltern: Nehls Rudolph C. , Schimek Agnes Sophia
Descendants of Carl Hinrich Friedrich Nehls (Internet, 30.12.2012).
oo 25.06.1923 Arlington
Margaret G.
88Jhr 10Mo 2Wo
* 25.07.1899 Evenston † 11.06.1988 Pinehurst
Quelle: Descendants of Carl Hinrich Friedrich Nehls (Internet,
84Jhr 10Mo
< 3.6
* 01.07.1884 Iron Ridge † 03.05.1969 Multnomah County Lebensorte:
Winneconne Portland
Eltern: Gottsleben Fremont Emil , Nehls Clara Cecelia
Quellen: "Fremont E. Gottsleben. In: Commemorative biographical record
of the Fox River Valley counties of Brown, Outagamie and Winnebago:
Containing biographical sketches of prominent and representative
citizens, and of many of the early settled families. Chicago: J.H.
Beers, 1895, Vol. 2, S. 1054 f.", "FamilySearch (Februar 2019; hier:
Wisconsin, Births and Christenings, 1826-1926 <Claudia I. Gotsleben [Gottsleben],
geb. 1. Juli 1884 in Iron Ridge, Dodge, Wisconsin>; Wisconsin, Birth
Index, 1820-1907 <Claudia I Gotsleben [Gottsleben]: geb. 1. Juli 1884 in
Dodge, Wisconsin>; United States Census, 1900 <Claudia I Gottsleben;
geb. Juli 1884 in Wisconsin, 16 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Winneconne village,
Winnebago, Wisconsin; Eltern: Fremont E Gottsleben, 44 Jahre alt und
Clara C Gottsleben, 36 Jahre alt; Geschwister: Helga J Gottsleben, 14
Jahre alt; Mata F Gottsleben, 12 Jahre alt; Winnie G Gottsleben, 1 Jahre
alt>; United States Census, 1930 <Claudia I Witter; geb. um 1884, 46
Jahre alt; Wohnort: Portland, Districts 271-553, Multnomah, Oregon;
Ehemann: Louis A Witter, 48 Jahre alt, geb. in Iowa; Kinder: Geo Amos
Witter, 21 Jahre alt, geb. in Cuba; Jack A Witter, 14 Jahre alt, geb in
Texas>; United States Census, 1940 <Claudia I Witter; geb. um 1885, 55
Jahre alt; Wohnort: Tract 19, Portland, Portland City Election Precinct
250, Multnomah, Oregon; Ehemann: Louis A Witter, 58 Jahre alt, geb. in
Iowa; Kinder: George A Witter, 31 Jahre alt, geb. in Cuba; Jack A Witter,
24 Jahre alt, geb in Texas>; Oregon Death Index, 1903-1998 <Claudia Ida
Witter; gest. 3. Mai 1969 in Multnomah, Oregon; Ehemann: Louis Witter>)",
"1900 federal census for Winnebago County, Wisconsin", "Descendants of
Carl Hinrich Friedrich Nehls/Descendants of Johann Carl Friedrich Nehls
(Internet, 30.12.2012)".
oo <.1908
Alfred 97Jhr
* 26.01.1882 Ottumwa † 26.10.1979 Portland Lebensorte: Ottumwa Portland
Eltern: Witter G. A. , Froxell Emma
Quellen: "1940 United States Federal Census, Census & Voter Lists
(Age: 58, born abt 1882, Birthplace Iowa, Home in 1940, Portland,
Multnomah, Oregon, Household Members, Head: Louis A Witter, Age: 58,
Wife: Claudia I Witter, Age: 55, Son: George A Witter, Age: 31, Son:
Jack A Witter, Age: 24)" und "FamilySearch (Februar 2019; hier: Iowa
Births and Christenings, 1830-1950 <Louis Alfred Witter; geb. 26.
Januar 1882 in Ottumwa, Wapello, Iowa; Eltern: G.A. Witter und Emma
Froxell Witter, beide 33 Jahre alt>; Iowa, County Births, 1880-1935
<Louis Alfred Witter; geb. 26. Januar 1882 in Ottumwa, Wapello, Iowa;
Eltern: G.A. Witter und Emma Froxell Witter>; United States Census,
1940 <Louis A Witter; geb. um 1882 in Iowa, 58 Jahre alt; Wohnort:
Tract 19, Portland, Portland City Election Precinct 250, Multnomah,
Oregon; Ehefrau: Claudia I Witter, 55 Jahre alt, geb. in Wisconsin;
Kinder: George A Witte, 31 Jahre alt, geb. in Cuba; Jack A Witter, 24
Jahre alt, geb. in Texas>; Oregon Death Index, 1903-1998 <Louis Alf
Witter; geb. 26. Januar 1882, gest. 26. Oktober 1979 in Multnomah,
Oregon; Ehefrau: Claudi Witter>; United States Social Security Death
Index <Louis Witter; geb. 26. Januar 1882 in Oregon, gest. Oktober
1979; Letzter Wohnort: Portland, Multnomah, Oregon>)".
1. Witter George Amos
49Jhr 3Mo 4Wo * 01.12.1908 Cuba † 30.03.1958 Los Angeles
> 5.1
2. Witter Jack Alfred 91Jhr 1Mo 3Wo * 03.04.1915 Port Arthur †
29.05.2006 Portland
> 5.2
GOTTSLEBEN Helga (Helen) Johanna T.
< 3.6
* 20.05.1886 † 11.1973 Cook County Lebensorte: Winneconne Riverside Cook
Eltern: Gottsleben Fremont Emil , Nehls Clara Cecelia
Quellen: "Fremont E. Gottsleben. In: Commemorative biographical record
of the Fox River Valley counties of Brown, Outagamie and Winnebago:
Containing biographical sketches of prominent and representative
citizens, and of many of the early settled families. Chicago: J.H.
Beers, 1895, Vol. 2, S. 1054 f.", "1900 federal census for Winnebago
County, Wisconsin (Internet <First name: Helen J., Birth: May 1886, Age:
9 years>)", "Descendants of Carl Hinrich Friedrich Nehls (Internet,
30.12.2012)", "Descendants of Johann Carl Friedrich Nehls (Internet,
30.12.2012)", "FamilySearch (Februar 2019; hier: United States Census,
1900 <Helga J Gottsleben; geb. Mai 1886 in Wisconsin, 14 Jahre alt;
Wohnort: Winneconne village, Winnebago, Wisconsin; Eltern: Fremont E
Gottsleben, 44 Jahre alt und Clara C Gottsleben, 36 Jahre alt; beide
geb. in Wisconsin; Geschwister: Claudia I Gottsleben, 16 Jahre alt; Mata
F Gottsleben, 12 Jahre alt; Winnie G Gottsleben, 1 Jahr alt; alle geb.
in Wisconsin>; United States Census, 1910 <Helga Hannemann; geb. um 1888
in Wisconsin, 22 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Wheeling, Cook, Illinois; Ehemann:
Leonard Hannemann, 28 Jahre alt, geb in Wisconsin; Kind: Gordon
Hannemann, 0 Jahre alt, geb. in Wisconsin>; United States Census, 1930
<Helga T Hanneman; geb. um 1887 in Wisconsin, 43 Jahre alt; Wohnort:
Riverside, Cook, Illinois; Ehemann: Lenord W Hanneman, 49 Jahre alt,
geb. in Wisconsin; Kinder: Gordon R Hanneman, 20 Jahre alt, geb. in
Wisconsin; Helen C Hanneman, 16 Jahre alt, geb. in Illinois>; United
States Social Security Death Index <Helga Hanneman; geb. 20. Mai 1886;
gest. November 1973, 87 Jahre alt; Letzter Wohnort: Cook, Illinois>)"
und "Findagrave (Februar 2019; Helga Hanneman; geb. 1886, gest. 1973;
Bestattet/Burial: Clarendon Hills Cemetery, Darien, DuPage County,
Illinois; Inschrift: s/s Leonard W. Hanneman>)".
oo <.1909
Leonard W.
90Jhr 7Mo 2Wo Apotheker (Pharmacist)
* 13.12.1880 Winchester † 31.07.1971 La Grange Lebensorte: Winneconne Port
Arthur Cook County
Eltern: Hannemann Frederick C. , Schmidt Bertha Marie Augusta
Quellen: "FamilySearch (Februar 2019; hier: United States Census, 1900
<Leonard W Hanneman [Hannemann]; geb. Dezember 1880 in Wisconsin, 20
Jahre alt; Wohnort: Winneconne village, Winnebago, Wisconsin; Eltern:
Frederick C Hanneman [Hannemann], 53 Jahre alt und Bertha A Hanneman
[Hannemann], 48 Jahre alt; beide geb. in Germany; Geschwister: Henry F
Hanneman [Hannemann], 26 Jahre alt; Paul J Hanneman [Hannemann], 22
Jahre alt; Frederick H Hanneman [Hannemann], 10 Jahre alt; alle geb.
in Wisconsin>; United States Census, 1910 <Leonard Hannemann; geb. um
1882 in Wisconsin, 28 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Wheeling, Cook, Illinois;
Ehefrau: Helga Hannemann, 22 Jahre alt, geb. in Wisconsin; Kind:
Gordon Hannemann, 0 Jahre alt, geb. in Wisconsin>; United States
Census, 1930 <Lenord [Leonard] W Hanneman; geb. um 1881 in Wisconsin,
49 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Riverside, Cook, Illinois; Ehefrau: Helga T
Hanneman, 43 Jahre alt, geb. in Wisconsin; Kinder: Gordon R Hanneman,
20 Jahre alt, geb. in Wisconsin; Helen C Hanneman, 16 Jahre alt, geb.
in Illinois>; United States World War II Draft Registration Cards,
1942 <Leonard W Hanneman; geb. 13. Dezember 1880; Draft Registration
1942 in La Grange, Cook, Illinois>; Illinois, Cook County Deaths,
1878-1994 <Leonard W Hanneman; geb. 13. Dezember 1880 in Wisconsin,
gest. 31. Juli 1971 in La Grange, Cook, Illinois, beerdigt am 3.
August 1971 in Clarendon Hills, Westmont, Illinois, 90 Jahre alt;
Beruf: Pharmacist/Apotheker; Vater: Fred Hanneman; Ehefrau: Helen
Gottsleben [Helga T Hanneman]>; Library/books <New encyclopedia of
Texas, vol. 2, 1926; Biographie Leonard W. Hanneman_Gottsleben)" und "Findagrave
(Februar 2019; Leonard W. Hanneman, geb. 1880, gest. 1971; Bestattet/Burial:
Clarendon Hills Cemetery, Darien, DuPage County, Illinois; Inscription:
s/s Helga Hanneman)".
1. Hanneman Robert Gordon
93Jhr 9Mo 4Wo * 07.06.1909 † 05.04.2003 Geauga County
> 5.3
2. Hanneman Helen C * .um.1914
Quelle: FamilySearch (Februar 2019; hier: United States Census, 1930
<Helen C Hanneman; geb. um 1914 in Illinois, 16 Jahre alt; Wohnort:
Riverside, Cook, Illinois; Eltern: Lenord W Hanneman, 49 Jahre alt,
und Helga T Hanneman, 43 Jahre alt; beide geb. in Wisconsin; Bruder:
Gordon R Hanneman, 20 Jahre alt, geb. in Wisconsin>).
New encyclopedia of Texas
Vol. 2, 1926
Leonard W.
Hanneman |
Clarendon Hills Cemetery, Darien,
DuPage County,

Helga * Leonard W.
1886-1973 * 1880-1971
Hanneman |
GOTTSLEBEN Winnie Wright
< 3.6
* 06.11.1899 Winneconne † 12.11.1988 Port Arthur Lebensorte: Winneconne Port
Eltern: Gottsleben Fremont Emil , Nehls Clara Cecelia
Gottsleben, geb. in Wisconsin, besuchte 1918 die "Senior Class" der
"Port Arthur High School" in Texas und war im Frühjahrshalbjahr ("Spring
Term") "Vice president" der "Senior Class" ("Colors: Gold and white;
Flower: Daisy; Class motto: But never"). Im "The Seagull, Yearbook of
Port Arthur High School, 1918, page 24" finden wir eine Beschreibung von
ihr: "Winnie Gottsleben, 'Winnie'. Vice President, Class '18. What we
can first say about Winnie is that she is good sport. She is one of that
kind of girls what always likes to say, 'Mr. President, I move that we
have a Senior dance at my house.' She is one that always brings good
cheer to those who never have a good time. Yes, her hand has already
been won". - Winnie Gottsleben-Garrett und ihr Ehemann begleiteten 1922
in Winneconne die Beerdigung von Winnies Mutter Clara Cecilia, die ihre
letzten Jahre bei ihnen in Port Arthur, Texas, verbracht hatte. - Vgl.
Obituary (Daily Northwestern, Aug. 28, 1922): "The deceased was a former
resident here, moving to Texas a few years ago [abt. 1913], where she
passed away Sunday morning, Aug. 20. The remains were accompanied here
by her daughter, Winnifred, and her husband." - Obituary 1988: "Winnie
Gottsleben Garrett, 89, of Port Arthur died Saturday at St. Mary
Hospital after an illness. She was a native of South Winneconne, Wis.,
and lived in Port Arthur 76 years. Services will be at 11 a.m. at the
Presbyterian Church of the Convenant of Port Arthur, with burial at
Greenlawn Memorial Park. Arrangements are under the direction of
Clayton-Thomspon Funeral Home in Groves. Survivors include one son,
William M. Garrett of Orange Park, Fla.; two daughters, Winifred Garrett
Rodriguez of Groves and Ann Garrett Nelson of Houston; 10 grandchildren
and 14 great-grandchildren." Publ. in: Port Arthur News (Obituaries),
1988 (13. November). - Weitere Quellen: "1900 federal census for
Winnebago County, Wisconsin", "Descendants of Carl Hinrich Friedrich
Nehls", "Descendants of Johann Carl Friedrich Nehls" "FamilySearch
(Februar 2019; hier: United States Census, 1900 <Winnie G Gottsleben;
geb. November 1899 in Wisconsin, 1 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Winneconne
village, Winnebago, Wisconsin; Eltern: Fremont E Gottsleben, 44 Jahre
alt und Clara C Gottsleben, 36 Jahre alt; Geschwister: Claudia I
Gottsleben, 16 Jahre alt; Helga J Gottsleben, 14 Jahre alt; Mata F
Gottsleben, 12 Jahre alt>; Texas, County Marriage Index, 1837-1977
<Winnie Wright Gottsleben Heirat am 3. August 1918 in Jefferson, Texas,
mit Wm Matthew Garrett>; United States Census, 1930 <Winnie W Garrett;
geb. um 1900 in Wisconsin, 30 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Port Arthur,
Jefferson, Texas; Ehemann: William M Garrett, 37 Jahre alt, geb. in
Alabama; Kinder: Winfred Garrett, 10 Jahre alt; William M Garrett, 6
Jahre alt; Ann Garrett, 1 Jahr alt; alle geb. in Texas>; United States
Census, 1940 <Winnie Garrett; geb. um 1899 in Wisconsin, 41 Jahre alt;
Wohnort: Area A, Port Arthur, Justice Precinct 2, Jefferson, Texas;
Ehemann: William M Garrett, 47 Jahre alt, geb. in Alabama; Kinder:
William Garrett, 16 Jahre alt; Ann Garrett, 11 Jahre alt; beide geb. in
Texas>; Texas Death Index, 1964-1998 <Winnie Gottsleben Garrett, gest.
12. November 1988 in Jefferson, Texas>)", "Findagrave (Februar 2019;
Winnie Gottsleiben [Gottsleben] Garrett; geb. 1899, gest. 1988;
Bestattet/Burial: Greenlawn Memorial Park, Groves, Jefferson County,
Texas; Plot: Section 28 Garden of Roses)" und "The Seagull, Yearbook of
Port Arthur High School, 1918 (Internet, Dezember 2012)".
oo 03.08.1918 Jefferson
William Matthew
84Jhr 2Mo 2Wo Chemiker
* 28.03.1893 Haynesville † 13.06.1977 Port Arthur Lebensorte:
Haynesville Jefferson Port Arthur
Eltern: Garrett William Mathew , Weaver Estelle
Quellen: "FamilySearch (Februar 2019; hier: United States Census, 1910
<Will Mat Garrett; geb. um 1893 in Alabama, 17 Jahre alt; Wohnort:
Precinct 14, Lowndes, Alabama; Mutter: Estelle Garrett; geb. um 1864
in Alabama, 46 Jahre alt, Witwe; Schwester: Rebecca Garrett; geb. um
1895 in Alabama, 15 Jahre alt; United States World War I Draft
Registration Cards, 1917-1918 <William Matt Garrett; geb. 28. März
1893 in Haynesville, Alabama; Draft Registration 1917/18 in Jefferson
County no 2, Texas>; Texas, County Marriage Index, 1837-1977 <Wm
Matthew Garrett Heirat am 3. August 1918 in Jefferson, Texas, mit
Winnie Wright Gottsleben>; United States Census, 1930 <William M
Garrett; geb. um 1893 in Alabama, 37 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Port Arthur,
Jefferson, Texas; Ehefrau: Winnie W Garrett, geb. in Wisconsin, 30
Jahre alt; Kinder: Winfred Garrett, 10 Jahre alt; William M Garrett, 6
Jahre alt; Ann Garrett, 1 Jahr alt; alle geb. in Texas>; United States
World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942 <William Matt Garrett;
geb. 28. März 1893; Draft Registration 1942 in Port Arthur, Jefferson,
Texas>; Texas Death Index, 1964-1998 <William M Garrett, gest. 13.
Juni 1977 in Jefferson, Texas>; United States Social Security Death
Index <William Garrett; geb. 28. März 1893, gest. Juni 1977, 84 Jahre
alt; Letzter Wohnort: Jefferson, Texas>)" und "Findagrave (Februar
2019; William Matthew Garrett; geb. 1893, gest. 1977; Bestattet/Burial:
Greenlawn Memorial Park, Groves, Jefferson County, Texas; Plot:
Section 28 Garden of Roses)".
1. Garrett Winifred Estelle
90Jhr 11Mo 2Wo * 05.02.1920 Port Arthur † 24.01.2011 San Antonio
> 5.4
2. Garrett William Matthew (Bill) * 16.04.1924
Quellen: "FamilySearch (Februar 2019; hier: United States Census,
1930; United States Census, 1940; United States Public Records,
1970-2009 <William M Garrett; geb. 16. April 1924; Wohnorte: Orange
Park, Florida, Jacksonville, Florida; Possible Relatives: Joyce
Garrett, Nancy H Garrett, Nancy L Garrett>)", "Todesanzeige der Mutter
<Winnie Gottsleben Garrett, 89, of Port Arthur [...] Survivors include
one son, William M. Garrett of Orange Park, Fla.[...]>" und
"Todesanzeige der 2011 verstorbenen Schwester Winnefred Garrett
Rodriguez <she is survived by [..] her brother Bill Garrett of Orange
Park, Florida>".
3. Garrett Ann *
31.08.1928 Port Arthur
> 5.5
Winnie W. Gottsleben
(The Seagull, Yearbook of
Port Arthur High School,
1918) |
Greenlawn Memorial Park, Groves,
Jefferson County,

Winnie G.
1899 1988 |
84Jhr 3Mo
< 3.7
* 03.04.1888 † 03.07.1972 Houston
Eltern: Achtenhagen Charles Frederich , Nehls Anna S.
Hildegard was born in Wisconsin. - Quelle: Descendants of Carl Hinrich
Friedrich Nehls (Internet, 30.12.2012).
MCCOY Pickney
† Houston
Pickney William died in Houston, Texas. - Quelle: Descendants of Carl
Hinrich Friedrich Nehls (Internet, 30.12.2012).
74Jhr 7Mo
< 3.7
* 07.04.1890 Mayville † 11.11.1964 Fremont
Eltern: Achtenhagen Charles Frederich , Nehls Anna S.
Descendants of Carl Hinrich Friedrich Nehls (Internet, 30.12.2012).
oo 26.08.1914 Mayville
S. 89Jhr 6Mo
* 17.09.1893 Hubbard † 21.03.1983 Wauwatosa
Quelle: Descendants of Carl Hinrich Friedrich Nehls (Internet,
88Jhr 4Mo
< 3.7
* 31.07.1891 † 05.12.1979 Tipon
Eltern: Achtenhagen Charles Frederich , Nehls Anna S.
was born in Wisconsin.- Quelle: Descendants of Carl Hinrich Friedrich
Nehls (Internet, 30.12.2012).
oo 08.07.1922
† 15.04.1956 Tipon
Quelle: Descendants of Carl Hinrich Friedrich Nehls (Internet,
66Jhr 7Mo 2Wo
< 3.7
* 22.07.1893 † 06.03.1960
Eltern: Achtenhagen Charles Frederich , Nehls Anna S.
was born in Wisconsin. - Quelle: Descendants of Carl Hinrich Friedrich
Nehls (Internet, 30.12.2012).
G. 65Jhr 6Mo
* 31.07.1892 † 18.02.1958 Sheboygan Falls
Quelle: "Descendants of Carl Hinrich Friedrich Nehls" (Internet,

Generation 5
Amos 49Jhr 3Mo
< 4.3
* 01.12.1908 Cuba † 30.03.1958 Los Angeles Lebensorte: Los Angeles
Eltern: Witter Louis Alfred , Gottsleben Claudia Ida
Quellen: "GenForum (Genealogy.com, Dezember 2006; <I have two large
boxes of photos of George Amos & Irene Witter. George & Irene lived in
Ca. but there [grand?]parents lived in Portland, Or. They are Louis
Alfred Witter & Claudia Gottsleben Witter. George Amos had a brother
Jack Witter b. 03 Apr 1915 Port Arthur, Texas. Other relation that may
be interested in these photos would be descendants of Winnie Gottsleben,
Helga Gottsleben, Meta Gottsleben>)", "FamilySearch (Februar 2019; hier:
Washington, County Marriages, 1855-2008 <George A Witter; geb. um 1908,
25 Jahre alt, Heirat am 27. Mai 1933 in Clark, Washington mit Nora
Hendry; geb. um 1905, 28 Jahre alt>; United States Census, 1940 <George
A Witter; geb. um 1909 in Cuba, 31 Jahre alt; geschieden/divorced;
Eltern: Louis A Witter, 58 Jahre alt, geb in Iowa, und Claudia I Witter,
55 Jahre alt, geb. in Wisconsin; Bruder: Jack A Witter, 24 Jahre alt,
geb. in Texas>; California, County Birth and Death Records, 1800-1994
<George Amos Witter; geb. um 1909, gest. 30. März 1958 in North
Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, 49 Jahre alt; Eltern; Louis A Witter
und Claudia Gottsleben; Ehefrau: Irene Witter>)" und "Findagrave (Januar
2019; George A Witter, geb. 1. Dezember 1908, gest. 30. März 1958;
Bestattet/Burial: Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Glendale, Los Angeles
County, California; Plot: Garden of Everlasting Peace, Lot 5288 Space
oo 27.05.1933 Clark
* um.1905 Lebensort: Clark
Quelle: FamilySearch (Februar 2019; hier: Washington, County Marriages,
1855-2008 <Nora Hendry; geb. um 1905, 28 Jahre alt, Heirat am 27. Mai
1933 in Clark, Washington mit George A Witter; geb. um 1908, 25 Jahre
oo 2 <.1942
M. 55Jhr 5Mo
* 21.05.1912 Spokane † 31.10.1967 Glandale Lebensorte: Spokane Glandale
Quellen: "GenForum (Genealogy.com, Dezember 2006)" und "Findagrave
(Februar 2019; Irene M Antisdel Witter; geb. 21. Mai 1912 in Spokane,
Spokane County, Washington, gest. 31. Oktober 1967; Bestattet/Burial:
Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Glendale, Los Angeles County, California;
Plot: Everlasting Peace, near Clayton Moore. - Irene M. was the
daughter of Hazel Thorsen and David N. Edberg. David died at the age
of 35 of TB. Hazel went on to marry Warren Antisdel. Irene and her
brother Russell David Edberg were either adopted by Warren or just
took on his name but Warren was not the biological father)".
1. Witter Dorothy Ann
13Jhr 11Mo 1Wo * 07.07.1942 Alameda † 20.06.1956 †Urs: Flugzeugabsturz
Quelle: FamilySearch (Februar 2019; hier: California Birth Index,
1905-1995 <Dorothy Ann Witter; geb. 7. Juli 1942 in Alameda,
California; Name der Mutter: Antisdel>). - Dorothy, 13, and his
brother George, 12, were among those lost june 20, 1956 aboard a
Venezuelan airlainer that crashed in the Atlantic an hour after its
New York takeoff. - Beim Absturz einer venezolanischen
Verkehrsmaschine vom Typ "Super-Constellation" vor der Küste der USA
waren am 20. Juni 1956 74 Menschen umgekommen. Kurz nach dem Start in
New York war die Maschine in Brand geraten und abgestürzt.
2. Witter George Louis
12Jhr 8Mo * 20.10.1943 Alameda † 20.06.1956 †Urs: Flugzeugabsturz
Quelle: FamilySearch (Februar 2019; hier: California Birth Index,
1905-1995 <George Louis Witter; geb. 20. Oktober 1943 in Alameda,
California; Name der Mutter: Antisdel>). - George, 12, and his sister
Dorothy, 13, were among those lost june 20, 1956 aboard a Venezuelan
airlainer that crashed in the Atlantic an hour after its New York
takeoff. - Beim Absturz einer venezolanischen Verkehrsmaschine vom Typ
"Super-Constellation" vor der Küste der USA waren am 20. Juni 1956 74
Menschen umgekommen. Kurz nach dem Start in New York war die Maschine
in Brand geraten und abgestürzt.

George Amos
um 1910 |

George Amos
Witter |

Certificate of death
George Amos Witter
30. März 1958 |
Forest Lawn Memorial Park,
Los Angeles County,

George A. Witter
1908 1958 |

Irene M. Antisdel Witter
1912 1967 |
WITTER Jack Alfred
91Jhr 1Mo 3Wo Map librarien,
Computer programmer, Army Corps of Engineers
< 4.3
* 03.04.1915 Port Arthur † 29.05.2006 Portland Lebensorte: Port
Arthur Portland
Eltern: Witter Louis Alfred , Gottsleben Claudia Ida
Quellen: "GenForum (Genealogy.com, Dezember 2006; <I have two large
boxes of photos of George Amos & Irene Witter. George & Irene lived in
Ca. but there [grand?]parents lived in Portland, Or. They are Louis
Alfred Witter & Claudia Gottsleben Witter. George Amos had a brother
Jack Witter b. 03 Apr 1915 Port Arthur, Texas. Other relation that may
be interested in these photos would be descendants of Winnie Gottsleben,
Helga Gottsleben, Meta Gottsleben>)", "FamilySearch (Februar 2019; hier:
United States Census, 1940 <Jack A Witter; geb. um 1916 in Texas, 24
Jahre alt; ledig; Eltern: Louis A Witter, 58 Jahre alt, geb in Iowa, und
Claudia I Witter, 55 Jahre alt, geb. in Wisconsin; Bruder: George A
Witter, 31 Jahre alt, geb. in Cuba>; California, County Birth and Death
Records, 1800-1994 <George Amos Witter; geb. um 1909, gest. 30. März
1958 in North Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, 49 Jahre alt; Eltern;
Louis A Witter und Claudia Gottsleben; Ehefrau: Irene Witter>") und "Findagrave
(Februar 2019; Jack Alfred Witter; geb. 3. April 1915 in Port Arthur,
Jefferson County, Texas, gest. 29. Mai 2006 in Portland, Multnomah
County, Oregon; Bestattet/Burial: River View Cemetery, Portland,
Multnomah County, Oregon; Plot: Cor 20, Niche 425. - Jack Alfred Witter
died May 29, 2006, at age 91. Mr. Witter was born April 3, 1915, in Port
Arthur, Texas, and raised in Portland. He graduated from Grant High
School and Reed College and earned a master's degree from the University
of Oregon. He was an accompanist for Vasilieff School of Dancing, taught
mathematics at Madison High School, and was a map librarian and a
computer programmer for the Army Corps of Engineers for 17 years. He
moved to Milwaukie in 1948. In 1959, he married Janet Elizabeth Waldron.
Survivors include his wife; stepdaughters, Ailsa Crawford and Sheila
Fagan; two grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren)".
oo 1959
91Jhr 8Mo
2Wo Lehrerin/Teacher
* 14.05.1915 Portland † 02.02.2007 Portland Lebensort: Portland
Quellen: "GenForum (Genealogy.com, Dezember 2006)" und "Findagrave
(Februar 2019; Janet Waldron Witter; geb. 14. Mai 1915 in Portland,
Multnomah County, Oregon, gest. 2. Februar 2007 in Portland, Clackamas
County, Oregon; Bestattet/Burial: River View Cemetery, Portland,
Multnomah County, Oregon; Plot: Cor 20, Niche 425. - Janet Waldron
Witter died Feb. 2, 2007 at age 91. Janet Waldron was born May 14,
1915, in Portland. She was raised in Oak Grove and Milwaukie. She
graduated from Milwaukie High School, attended Portland Art Museum
School and Oregon State Normal School at Monmouth and received her
master's degree from Reed College. She was a teacher at many schools
including Oak Grove Elementary, Hillel Academy, Rowe Junior High,
Lewelling Elementary and Wichita Elementary. In 1959, she married Jack
Alfred; he died in 2006. Survivors include her daughters, Ailsa
Crawford and Sheila Fagan; two grandchildren; and one great-grandchild)".
River View Cemetery, Portland,
Multnomah County,

Jack Alfred
Janet Waldron |
HANNEMAN Robert Gordon
93Jhr 9Mo 4Wo
< 4.4
* 07.06.1909 † 05.04.2003 Geauga County
Eltern: Hanneman Leonard W. , Gottsleben Helga (Helen) Johanna T.
FamilySearch (Februar 2019; hier: United States Census, 1930 <Gordon R
Hanneman, geb. um 1910 in Wisconsin, 20 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Riverside,
Cook, Illinois; Eltern: Lenord W Hanneman, 49 Jahre alt, und Helga T
Hanneman, 43 Jahre alt; beide geb. in Wisconsin; Schwester: Helen C
Hanneman, 16 Jahre alt>); Illinois, Cook County Marriages, 1871-1920
<Robert G Hanneman, geb. um 1909, 25 Jahre alt, Heirat am 15. September
1934 in Cook, Illinois mit Virginia M Reynick, geb. um 1908, 26 Jahre
alt>; United States Census, 1940 <Robert G Hanneman; geb. um 1910 in
Wisconsin, 30 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Oak Park, Oak Park Township, Cook,
Illinois; Ehefrau: Virginia R Hanneman, 32 Jahre alt, geb in Illinois>;
United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Robert G Hanneman; geb. 7. Juni
1909; Wohnort: Newbury, Ohio; Possible Relatives: Ruth A Hanneman>; Ohio
Death Index, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 <Robert Gordon Hanneman;
geb. 7. Juni 1909, gest. 5. April 2003 in Geauga, Ohio, 93 Jahre alt,
verheiratet; Nachname des Vaters: Hanneman, Nachname der Mutter:
Gottslaben [Gottsleben]>).
oo 15.09.1934 Cook
Virginia M.
* um.1908
Quelle: FamilySearch (Februar 2019; hier: Illinois, Cook County
Marriages, 1871-1920 <Virginia M Reynick, geb. um 1908, 26 Jahre alt,
Heirat am 15. September 1934 in Cook, Illinois mit Robert G Hanneman,
geb. um 1909, 25 Jahre alt>; United States Census, 1940 <Virginia R
Hanneman; geb. um 1908 in Illinois, 32 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Oak Park,
Oak Park Township, Cook, Illinois; Ehemann: Robert G Hanneman; geb. um
1910 in Wisconsin, 30 Jahre alt>).
GARRETT Winifred Estelle
90Jhr 11Mo 2Wo
< 4.5
* 05.02.1920 Port Arthur † 24.01.2011 San Antonio Lebensorte: Port
Arthur San Antonio
Eltern: Garrett William Matthew , Gottsleben Winnie Wright
Obituary 2011 - Winifred Garrett Rodriguez. San Antonio - Born February
5, 1920, a Port Arthur resident for most of her life, Winifred passed
away in her home in San Antonio, Texas, January 24, 2011. After
attending the University of Texas in Austin, she returned home and
married James J. Rodriguez, her loving partner for 57 years. She was an
active member of the First Presbyterian Church, the P.E.O and the
Service League. She was a lover of fine art, fine food, philosophy and
conversation and so enjoyed sharing this with her friends and family
both in her home and theirs but especially around her well renowned
dinner table. In her travels and in her expert shopping, she acquired
art and beautiful items from around the world that not only made her own
home a pleasure to explore, but also graced the homes of others as her
hobby of interior decorating blossomed into a career. She lived each day
to spread her love and beauty. She taught us women in her family to be
tender and loving but strong and willful when necessary. She was a
confidant who never told the secrets given to her, and for this she is
irreplaceable. The family would like especially to thank Mary Jane
Callaghan of Port Arthur and Virginia Hernandez of San Antonio whose
assistance to Winifred was an enormous blessing and enabled Winifred to
continue her impeccable presentation of self and home and became dear
friends as well. Winifred was preceded by her parents Winnie Gottsleben
and William Matthew Garrett and her husband James. She is survived by
her daughter J'Ann Rodriguez-Carter and son-in-law Jim Carter of San
Antonio and her son James Jay Rodriguez of Memphis, TN; her sister Ann
Nelson of Houston, her brother Bill Garrett of Orange Park, Florida. She
was G-Lady (the Grand Lady) to her seven grandchildren Laura, Hannah,
Judith, Jessica, Matthew, Johanna and Juliet and three great
grandchildren, Sydney, A.J. and Maddie, who will have a new brother in
the spring. Services will be at 1:00 PM Friday, January 28, 2011 at
Greenlawn Memorial Park with Rev. Clay Faulk, officiating. Arrangements
are under the direction of Clayton Thompson Funeral Home in Groves. -
Quellen: "PAnews.com, Port Arthur, Texas, January 26, 2011 (Internet
03.01.2013)", "FamilySearch (Februar 2019; hier: Texas Birth
Certificates, 1903-1935 <Winifred Estelle Garrett; geb. 5. Februar 1920
in Port Arthur, Jefferson; Eltern: W M Garrett und Winifred Gottsleiben
[Gottsleben]>; United States Census, 1940 <Winifred Rodriguez; geb. um
1920 in Texas; 20 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Justice Precinct 2, Jefferson,
Texas; Ehemann: James Rodriguez, 29 Jahre alt, geb. in Louisiana>;
United States Social Security Death Index <Winifred Estelle Rodriguez;
geb. 5. Februar 1920, gest. 24. Januar 2011; Letzter Wohnort: Bexar,
Texas>)" und "Findagrave (Februar 2019; Winifred Estelle Garrett
Rodriguez; geb. 5. Februar 1920 in Port Arthur, Jefferson County, Texas,
gest. 24. Januar 2011 in San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas; Bestattet/Burial:
Greenlawn Memorial Park, Groves, Jefferson County, Texas; Plot: Section
24, Garden of the Last Supper)".
oo <.1940
James Joseph
85Jhr 2Mo 1Wo
* 02.01.1911 † 12.03.1996 Jefferson
Quellen: "FamilySearch (Februar 2019; hier: United States Census, 1940
<James Rodriguez; geb. um 1911 in Louisiana, 29 Jahre alt; Wohnort:
Justice Precinct 2, Jefferson, Texas; Ehefrau: Winifred Rodriguez,
geb. in Texas; 20 Jahre alt>; Texas Death Index, 1964-1998 <James
Joseph Rodriguez; gest. 12. März 1996 in Jefferson, Texas>)" und "Findagrave
(Februar 2019; James J Rodriguez; geb. 2. Januar 1912, gest. 12. März
1996; Bestattet/Burial: Greenlawn Memorial Park, Groves, Jefferson
County, Texas; Plot: Section 24, Garden of the Last Supper)".
1. Rodriguez James Jay
* 14.03.1948 Jefferson
Quellen: "FamilySearch (Februar 2019; hier: Texas, Birth Index,
1903-1997 <James Jay Rodriguez; geb. 14 März 1948 in Jefferson, Texas;
Eltern: James Joseph Rodriguez und Winifred Estelle Garrett>; United
States Public Records, 1970-2009 <James Jay Rodriguez; geb. 14. März
1948; Wohnorte: Palm Bay, Florida, Selmer, Tennessee, Chattanooga,
Tennessee; Possible Relatives: Gardner L Rodriguez, Jessica S
Rodriguez, Johanna J Rodriguez, Jay Rodriguez, Linda R Rodriguez>)"
und "Todesanzeige der Mutter Winnefred Garrett Rodriguez <She is
survived by her son James Jay Rodriguez of Memphis, TN>".
2. Rodriguez JoAnn *
22.03.1950 Jefferson
> 6.1

Winifred Garrett |

Winifred Garrett
Rodriguez |
Greenlawn Memorial Park,
Jefferson County,

Feb. 5. 1920
Winifred G.
Rodriguez |
< 4.5
* 31.08.1928 Port Arthur
Eltern: Garrett William Matthew , Gottsleben Winnie Wright
Quellen: "Todesanzeige der Mutter <Winnie Gottsleben Garrett, 89, of
Port Arthur [...] Survivors include [...] two daughters [...] Ann
Garrett Nelson of Houston>" und "FamilySearch (Februar 2019; hier: Texas
Birth Index, 1903-1997 <Ann Garrett; 31. August 1928 in Jefferson,
Texas; Eltern: William Matthew Garrett und Winnie Wright Gottsleben>;
United States Census, 1930; United States Census, 1940; Texas Birth
Index, 1903-1997 <Ann Garrett und William Joseph Nelson bei Geburt der
Kinder Suzanne Nelson, geb. 1954, und William Joseph Jr. Nelson, geb.
oo <.1954
NELSON William
* 27.01.1925 Lebensorte: Houston
Quellen: "Todesanzeige der Schwiegermutter <Winnie Gottsleben Garrett,
89, of Port Arthur [...] Survivors include [...] two daughters [...]
Ann Garrett Nelson of Houston>" und "FamilySeach (Februar 2019; hier:
United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <William Joseph Nelson; geb.
27. Januar 1925; Wohnort: Houston, Texas; Possible Relatives: Ann
Garrett Nelson, Anna Nelson>; Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997 <William
Joseph Nelson und Ann Garrett bei Geburt der Kinder Suzanne Nelson,
geb. 1954, und William Joseph Jr. Nelson, geb. 1956>)".
1. Nelson Suzanne *
30.01.1954 Harris County
> 6.2
2. Nelson William Joseph Jr * 25.04.1956 Harris County
> 6.3
Texas Birth Index,

Ann Garrett
31. August 1928

Generation 6
< 5.4
* 22.03.1950 Jefferson
Eltern: Rodriguez James Joseph , Garrett Winifred Estelle
Quellen: "FamilySearch (Februar 2019; hier: Texas, Birth Index,
1903-1997 <J Ann Rodriguez; geb. 22 März 1950 in Jefferson, Texas;
Eltern: James Joseph Rodriguez und Winifred Estelle Garrett>)" und
"Todesanzeige der Mutter Winnefred Garrett Rodriguez <She is survived by
her daughter J'Ann Rodriguez-Carter and son-in-law Jim Carter of San
Quelle: Todesanzeige der Schwiegermutter Winnefred Garrett
Rodriguez <She is survived by her daughter J'Ann Rodriguez-Carter and
son-in-law Jim Carter of San Antonio>.
NELSON Suzanne
< 5.5
* 30.01.1954 Harris County
Eltern: Nelson William Joseph , Garrett Ann
FamilySearch (Februar 2019; hier: Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997 <Suzanne
Nelson; geb. 30. Januar 1954 in Harris, Texas; Eltern: William Joseph
Nelson und Ann Garrett>; Texas Marriages, 1966-2010 <Suzanne Nelson;
geb. um 1954, 21 Jahre alt, Heirat am 6. Dezember 1975 in Brazos, Texas,
mit Danny L Huff, geb. um 1955, 20 Jahre alt>)".
oo 06.12.1975 Brazos County
HUFF Danny L.
* um.1955
Quelle: FamilySearch (Februar 2019; hier: Texas Marriages, 1966-2010
<Danny L Huff, geb. um 1955, 20 Jahre alt, Heirat am 6. Dezember 1975
in Brazos, Texas, mit Suzanne Nelson; geb. um 1954, 21 Jahre alt>)".
NELSON William Joseph Jr
< 5.5
* 25.04.1956 Harris County Lebensort: Harris County
Eltern: Nelson William Joseph , Garrett Ann
FamilySearch (Februar 2019; hier: Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997 <William
Joseph Jr. Nelson; geb. 25. April 1956 in Harris, Texas; Eltern: William
Joseph Nelson Sr. und Ann None Garrett>; Texas Marriages, 1966-2010
<William J Nelson Jr, geb. um 1956, 19 Jahre alt, Heirat am 23. August
1975 in Harris, Texas, mit Janet K Lewis, geb. um 1956, 19 Jahre alt>;
Texas Divorce Index, 1968-2010 <William J Nelson Jr, geb. um 1957, 22
Jahre alt, Scheidung am 13. Juli 1979 in Harris, Texas, von Janet K
Nelson, geb. um 1957, 22 Jahre alt; keine Kinder; Ehedatum: 23. August
1975>; Texas Marriages, 1966-2010 <William J Nelson Jr, geb. um 1956, 26
Jahre alt, Heirat am 26. Juni 1982 in Fort Bend, Texas, mit Patricia E
Harris, geb. um 1962, 20 Jahre alt>; Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997
<William Joseph Nelson Jr. und Patricia Elizabeth Harris bei Geburt der
Kinder Stephanie Lauren Nelson und Joseph Hampton Nelson>; Texas Divorce
Index, 1968-2010 <William J Nelson Jr, geb. um 1956, 32 Jahre alt,
Scheidung am 19. Oktober 1988 in Harris, Texas, von Patricia E Nelson,
geb. um 1961, 27 Jahre alt; zwei Kinder; Ehedatum: 26. Juni 1982>).
oo 23.08.1975 Harris County
LEWIS Janet K.
* um.1956
Quelle: FamilySearch (Februar 2019; hier: Texas Marriages, 1966-2010
<Janet K Lewis, geb. um 1956, 19 Jahre alt, Heirat am 23. August 1975
in Harris, Texas, mit William J Nelson Jr, geb. um 1956, 19 Jahre
alt>; Texas Divorce Index, 1968-2010 <Janet K Nelson, geb. um 1957, 22
Jahre alt, 22 Jahre alt, Scheidung am 13. Juli 1979 in Harris, Texas,
von William J Nelson Jr, geb. um 1957; keine Kinder; Ehedatum: 23.
August 1975>).
oo 2 26.06.1982 Fort Bend County
Patricia Elizabeth
Quelle: FamilySearch (Februar 2019; hier: Texas Marriages, 1966-2010
<Patricia E Harris, geb. um 1962, 20 Jahre alt, Heirat am 26. Juni
1982 in Fort Bend, Texas, mit William J Nelson Jr, geb. um 1956, 26
Jahre alt>; Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997 <Patricia Elizabeth Harris
und William Joseph Nelson Jr. bei Geburt der Kinder Stephanie Lauren
Nelson und Joseph Hampton Nelson>; Texas Divorce Index, 1968-2010
<Patricia E Nelson, geb. um 1961, 27 Jahre alt, Scheidung am 19.
Oktober 1988 in Harris, Texas, von William J Nelson Jr, geb. um 1956,
32 Jahre alt; zwei Kinder; Ehedatum: 26. Juni 1982>).
1. Nelson Stephanie Lauren
* 07.03.1984 Harris County
Quelle: FamilySearch (Februar 2019; hier: Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997
<Stephanie Lauren Nelson; geb. 7. März 1984 in Harris, Texas; Eltern:
William Joseph Nelson Jr. und Patricia Elizabeth Harris>).
2. Nelson Joseph Hampton
* 03.06.1986 Travis
Quelle: FamilySearch (Februar 2019; hier: Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997
<Joseph Hampton Nelson; geb. 3. Juni 1986 in Travis, Texas; Eltern:
William Joseph Nelson Jr. und Patricia Elizabeth Harris>).
Stand : 10.02.2021
Erstellt mit
PC-AHNEN 2019 |

Stand: Februar
Klaus Gottsleben
© gottsleben-genealogie.de/com
